Reading Ball 1 February 2025 page: 4
Charles Upton’s MINICRIB by The MiniCrib Team May 2024
QUEEN'S VIEW (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 3
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down to start), 1s dancing between 2s give nearer hand to 2s
& turn once round
9-16 1s dance Inveran reels with 2s+3s (1s cross to own sides to start)
17-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down to start), 1s dancing between 2s give nearer hand to 2s
& turn 1.1/2 times to end in centre BtoB for Double Triangles
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles ending in 2nd place own sides
THE BON VIVEUR (M-(S2x32+R2x32)) Sq.SetI & C Brockbank & RSCDS Bk 52
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s+3s dance Men's Chain finish with Ladies facing out
17-28 All dance Schiehallion reels (12 bars) to finish 1 place clockwise from starting place 4 1 2 3
29-32 All birl (or turn) partners RH End 4 1 2 3
Note: Dance twice as Strathspey, twice as Reel
CITY LIGHTS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Nicola Scott RSCDS Bk 52
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), turn 1.1/4 LH to face 1st corners
9-12 Corners Pass & Allemande Turn:
As Corners Pass+Turn except corners dance in, join RH & Lady dances under Man's arm. Lady curves out
to place as Man retires.
13-16 1s in centre turn 1.1/4 LH to face 2nd corner pstns while corners chase clockwise 1/2 round
17-24 Repeat 9-16 with 2nd corner pstns, with 1s turning 1.3/4 LH to end centre LSh to LSh facing opp sides
25-32 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across; all turn partners RH (or birl) 2 1 3
THE WIND ON LOCH FYNE (S3x32) 3C Triangular set John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 1
1- 8 1s cross over (Man between 3s, Lady between 2s) & dance Fig of 8 & end turning RH 1/2 way to face
partner in original places
9-16 All dance interlocking RSh reels of 4 & end by turning RH to bring Men into centre
17-24 Men dance LH across in centre 2 places while Ladies dance clockwise 1 place, turn partner RH & repeat
ending in triangular set order 2 3 1
25-32 All set & circle 6H round for 2 steps, turn partner 2H & continue to circle 6H round to pstns. 2 3 1
CHASED LOVERS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Tim Wilson World Wide Weavings & RSCDS Bk 53
1- 4 1s set, cross down (no hands) to 2nd place facing out (2s step up 3-4)
5- 8 1s cast down behind 3s,meet & dance up centre with 1L leading, 1M following, to face 2M (her 1st corner)
9-16 1s, in tandem, dance LSh reel of 3 on 1st corner diagonal (out of top of set to start), finishing by 1s pulling
back RSh to face down, 1M leading, facing 3M
17-24 1s, in tandem, dance RSh reel of 3 on 2nd corner diagonal (out bottom of set to start), finishing with 1s
facing own 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners, (pass RSh), Pass+Turn with 2nd corners, finishing passing RSh to
2nd place own sides
MAIRI'S WEDDING (R8x40) 3C (4C set) James B Cosh 22 SCDs
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast to 2nd place (2s step up); 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 3rd corner (pstns), 1/2 diagonal reel with 4th corner (pstns)
25-32 1s dance reel of 3 across (Lady with 2s, Man with 3s - LSh to 1st corner)
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back