Class and Teacher Information
Class A with Alice Stainer
Class A is suitable for people who are familiar with the steps and common
formations. You should be able to assimilate instructions easily as well as
understand the concepts of covering and phrasing.
Alice came to dancing as an undergraduate in Oxford, exchanging the
rigours of ballet for a more sociable form of dance that combined with her
connections to Scotland. It has certainly made her friends in many different
places. Since qualifying, she has taught regularly at St Andrews and led day
and weekend Schools around the UK and in Europe, as well as teaching
weekly classes at her home branch in Oxford. She also enjoys step dancing,
teaching it online and at workshops, including Summer School.
Class B with Kate Thomson
Class B is suitable for people who have either attended a beginners course
or have danced with a class or club for several months but would
appreciate a slower pace class where you are not expected to know all the
common formations.
Kate started dancing having been introduced by a friend after complaining
that Aerobics was repetitive and not very social. After a visit to a local SCD
club, she was hooked! Kate helped with the club's children's class after her
daughter joined, and she took her teaching certificate when her son went
to university. She now shares teaching at clubs in Wokingham and Reading,
and is a guest teacher at other clubs. She loves the way that SCD is social
and fun as well as good for physical and mental health.
Dress for classes
Kilt/smart casual, skirt or dress for freedom of movement and soft/dancing
Please Note
It would be appreciated if you would bring your own cup or water bottle.
There is plenty of parking within the school grounds.
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Berks/Hants/Surrey Border Branch
Charity No. 1067776
Saturday 8
March 2025
Edgbarrow School, Grant Road, Crowthorne, RG45 7HZ
Dance Teachers
Alice Stainer (Oxford)
Kate Thomson (BHS Branch)
Jeremy Hill (London/Herts)
The Day School will be followed by an evening dance with Ian Muir
and the Day School Musicians. You may attend just the dance if you
wish (programme is on our website:
Please return booking form by post or email to:
Elaine Best, Bracken Lodge, 45 Long Reach,
West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6LZ
Tel: 07729 368419 Email:
Berks/Hants/Surrey Border Branch DANCERS’ DAY SCHOOL
Saturday 8
March 2025
First Name………………………….. Surname ……………………………………….....
Email…………………………………………….………. Tel………………………………....…..
RSCDS Branch…………………………… Membership No……………………………….
I should like to attend as follows, select class A or B & tick appropriate boxes
Class A/B RSCDS member Non-member
All day: AM and PM
Classes + Dance
A / B
Half Day AM class + Dance
A / B
Half Day PM class + Dance
A / B
Half Day Morning Class
A / B
Half Day Afternoon Class
A / B
Evening Dance
I have paid £________ direct to the Branch account;
Name: Royal Scottish Country Dance Society BHS Branch
Sort Code 82-11-07 Account number 20417581, Ref: Day School D
I enclose a cheque payable to Royal Scottish Country Dance Society BHS
Branch for £ ………….
I understand that cancellations received before 1st March 2025 will be subject to an
administration fee of £1.00 and that cancellations after that date cannot be
refunded. I understand that the BHS Border Branch accepts no responsibility for any
loss or injury that may be sustained.
Signed Date…………………….....
Or if under 18, signature of parent / carer
Enrolment and Coffee
Morning Class
All two hour classes include a short break
Lunch Break
Please bring your own, or make local
Teas and coffee will be provided
Afternoon Class
Teas and cakes will be served
Evening Dance Practice
open to all attending the Evening Dance
Step Dancing: a 45 minute taster session
with Alice
Evening Dance
All dances will be recapped /walked
Includes a sandwich supper at the
interval. You are welcome to bring your
Tea and coffee will be provided