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b. The ordinary members of the Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General
Meeting of the Local Association and shall consist entirely of members of the Local
Association. On completion of each year of office, an ordinary member shall be eligible for
re-election to the Committee. Committee members, upon ceasing to serve on the
Committee, shall be eligible for election to the position of office bearer.
c. The Committee shall have power to appoint ordinary members to fill vacancies occurring
between Annual General Meetings but any members so appointed shall serve only until the
next Annual General Meeting when they shall be eligible for election.
2. Powers and Duties of Committee
a. A Quorum of the Committee shall be five members, one of whom must be an office bearer.
b. The Committee shall have power to constitute sub-committees and entrust them with such
duties as it considers necessary for the efficient working of Local Association affairs,
provided at least two sub-committee members, one of whom shall be the convenor, are also
members of the Committee. Any decisions of substance must be referred to the Committee
for ratification.
8. Duties of Office Bearers
1. Chair – The Local Association Chair is the executive officer of the Local Association. He/she shall
preside at Local Association meetings and at meetings of the Committee. In the absence of the
Chair from a meeting the Vice Chair shall take the chair. In the absence of the Chair and Vice
Chair, a chair shall be appointed from among those present. The Chair of any meeting, whether
a Local Association or Committee meeting, shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative
2. Vice Chair – The Vice Chair shall act as an ordinary member of the Committee except that, in
the absence of the Chair, he/she shall undertake the duties of Chair.
3. Honorary Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Honorary Secretary to ensure that regular
meetings are held and properly recorded and to conduct the correspondence of the Local
Association. Additionally the Honorary Secretary shall prepare an annual report of the activities
of the Local Association during the preceding year, and keep a register of members of the Local
Association and details of members of the Committee.
4. Honorary Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Honorary Treasurer to receive, bank and
account for all monies collected by whatever agency from members of the Local Association or
from other sources. Additionally the Honorary Treasurer shall:
a. cause proper account books to be kept and ensure that the annual accounts of the Local
Association are properly examined or audited as required by law
b. make the annual Local Association accounts available for inspection by members in General
Meeting and present the accounts for adoption by the Local Association at the Annual
General Meeting.
9. Conflicts of interest
A charity trustee (defined in paragraph 7.1a) must declare the nature and extent of any interest,
direct or indirect, which he or she has in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the charity or
in any transaction or arrangement entered into by the charity which has not been previously
declared and absent himself or herself from any discussions of the charity trustees in which it is
possible that a conflict will arise between his or her duty to act solely in the interests of the charity
and any personal interest (including but not limited to any personal financial interest). Any charity
trustee absenting himself or herself from any discussions in accordance with this clause must not
vote or be counted as part of the quorum in any decision of the charity trustees on the matter.