RSCDS Berks/Hants/Surrey Border Branch logo
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Why join the Branch?

Why should you spend £32 to join the Branch? If you have enjoyed Scottish Country Dancing then help others to enjoy it too. A subscription will:

  • Give you the RSCDS magazine and the Branch newsletter to help you keep in touch with news and events.
  • Get you discounts on RSCDS events, which includes most Branch dances and classes. Members also get discounts on RSCDS CDs and books
  • And last but by no means least - it helps provide classes and day schools for dancers, and training for teachers and musicians. And in general it supports activities aimed at preserving and promoting Scottish Country Dancing so others can enjoy it in the future.

Read the RSCDS leaflet Individual Membership with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society [PDF]. For more about what the Branch does and member benefits see What the Branch does. or see our posters on Why EVERY Scottish Country Dancer should be a MEMBER of RSCDS [PDF]

Renewals: If your contact and all other details have not changed, you may renew by contacting the Membership Secretary confirming your name and how much you have paid, see the form for payment details.

Membership Fees

The table below shows the fees for the season from 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2025 and how they are divided between Headquarters in Edinburgh and the Branch.

CategoryRSCDS BHS Total 
Adult single (age 25+)£ 28.00£ 7.00£ 35.00
Adult joint (one magazine)£ 45.00£ 11.00£ 56.00
Young adult (age 18-24)£ 22.00£ 6.00£ 28.00
Youth (age 12-17)£ 14.00£ 3.50£ 17.50
Additional Branch member £ 7.00£ 7.00

Half price for the second half of the season

Send in the application form but halve the amount and note that it is for the rest of the season. Get the magazine and discounts on the General and Technique classes, the Day School and the May Ball.

Data Protection Policy

  • The Branch collects and uses your personal data solely for the purposes of administering your Branch membership including imparting Branch information.
  • It is also collected on behalf of the RSCDS with whom the Branch has a mutual privacy agreement.
  • It will be held securely electronically and on paper by the Membership Secretary and will not be shared out with the Branch.
  • Any distribution list emails will be sent as blind copies.
  • A member may request their personal data be deleted at any time by contacting the Membership Secretary.
  • Six months after the renewal date, any member who has not renewed will be contacted by the Membership Secretary with the option to have their personal data deleted or retained.


Photos and videos must only be taken with the consent of participants if they could be easily identified. Notices will be displayed when official photos may be taken for the Branch newsletter or social media, people who do not wish to appear should inform the organisers and may be asked to avoid some areas.

Music must never be recorded without the performers consent. They may also specify that a recording should be for part only of a dance or tune. Recording without permission breaks copyright. Also a bad recording, e.g. just beside the drums, can reflect badly on the band.

Please contact enquiries for questions about Scottish Dancing in the area.

Please contact the webmaster with any suggestions for the site.