As a member you are helping to
preserve an important aspect of
Scottish culture.
Other reasons for joining are:
Access to members’ area of RSCDS website and
contact with dancers around the world.
Promotion of the Scottish country dance
tradition in schools in Scotland and among young people everywhere.
Provision of medal test to encourage young dancers and dancing achievement awards
for adult dancers to maintain a good standard of dancing.
Conserving the present and future existence of this form of dance.
St Andrews hosts the RSCDS Summer
School, which was started in 1927. Here is
the Younger Hall where dances take
place. Members attend Summer School at
a discounted rate.
As a member you can have a voice
in the running of RSCDS either at
Branch level or at HQ by being
elected to the Management Board
or one of the committees.
Classes need teachers and musicians. Membership helps support the training of
teachers and musicians and is important work of the RSCDS.